الجمعة، 24 أكتوبر 2014

Why Do project faild?

Why do project in your life, work or business failed this question was answered by my friend Hussam . He is a project manger by profession with 15 years experience. he know the topics in and out.

Lets start with definition of project management:

“a methodical approach to planning and guiding project processes from start to finish”

Easy? It only the start ;)

Most of projects failed? 50% of all project failed. If you had failed in a project do not worry? Because it will be the history when you finish reading this blog? We will move from the 50% who failed to 50% who succeed?

Let’s go. Any projects have a requirements most of the people think it is about the scheduling time. This is one part of 6 requirements. And they are:

·         Scope
What you want to achieve?
·         Schedule
Be realistic in scheduling your time? And do not Procrastination!!
·         Budget
Do you have the right budge or you need to get from someone?
·         Resource
Do not be the one who is doing everything. Everyone have a team please work with your team.
·         Quality
Quality is not an act, it is a habit.
·         Risk
“Risk is like fire: If controlled it will help you; if uncontrolled it will rise up and destroy you.”

Cool keep going in reading you are almost there.

In any project you need to have a process to move the project and they are

When do project failed?
When they behind schedule or over budget. This happing when you see one these Symptoms:
·         Poor communication
·         Shortage of resource
·         Shortage of finance
·         Poor planning
·         Poor experience
·         Poor commitment
·         Poor organization structure

Now you know the reasons. Practice what you haved learnd


الجمعة، 12 سبتمبر 2014

من الوقار الى الحياة ( Part 2) , 生活に尊厳(その2)

كنت اتمشى في مكان عملى في المستشفى وكان هناك يوم للقلب ويسون فحوصات عن الكلسترول. قلت لنفسي وش يضر ان اعمل فحوصات. قمت بعمل الفحوصات وجدت المفاجئة. كان مستواى الكلسترول اعلى بثلاث اضعاف عن المستواء الطبيعي. قال لي الطبيب بعد 5 سنوات سوف نجري لك عملية قلب مفتوح o-O.

 توقف العالم بعد سماع هذا الخبر كنت احسب انني سوف اعيش 100 سنة بصحة وعافية خالية من الامراض. ولاكن اكتشفت ان النهاية قريبة. حمدت الله على كل حال.

قلت لطبيب هل في امكانية  من ان اغير هذا المستقبل
قال الطبيب نعم القرار بيدك؟ يدك الى خلتك تأكل اكثر من الازم وتكسب كم كيلو شحم. و بيدك تقدر تكون مثل روني كولمان 

صحيح انا الي اقدر اصنع مستقبلي بنفسي تذكرة المقولة المشهورة
I am the master of my fate,I am the captain of my soul
نعم أنا سيد قدري، وأنا قائد نفسي

رجعت البيت وانا اقول في نفسي هل اخبر عائلتي بموضوع الكلسترول او ما اعلم احد. في النهاية قررت اعلم زوجتي لعدة اسباب:
  • ترتيب برنامج غذاء خاص.
  • عدم تحسس زوجتي في حالت عدم الاكل من طبخها
  • اعلم الجميع ان التغيير الابد منه.
بسم الله توكلت على الله
 المعادلة الصحيحة هي : رياضة+دايت = جسم رائع( عظلات )


الجمعة، 8 أغسطس 2014

Don't Stay Down Long

When I was four years old my father always say "Save the penny and the dollar will save itself".

ٍSince that time I start reading  reading reading  personal and successful stories about the millionaire business mans who made their money in tough times because I am planning to Join their club soon How soon? in 2025. One of the fighters in my opinion is Michael Bloomberg I like his quote

My first job out of school was on Wall Street and I stayed there for 15 years. It was a terrific ride: Fun times, and lots of praise from my bosses. Everybody loved me - right up until the day they fired me! But I remained optimistic - because happiness for me has always been going out and trying to beat the odds. So the next day after I got fired, literally the next day, I started a new company. ~Tufts University, 2007

In our life we face a lot of setbacks we do not success in work, founding the right spouse or right school. life is an experience Don't Stay Down Long. if you stay down for long time you will feel comfortable. you will think that your place down. Your place Living the life of your dreams.

الجمعة، 2 مايو 2014

The First 90 Days

In 27-4-2014 I resign from my work. It was my first time to change my job. I did not know what type of strategy or way to be a winner in my new job. I start consulting my mentors and couches they recommend I read a book called The First 90 Days by Micheal Watkns. One of my mentors give me the book. Told me to make my strategy before start work in company.

Michael Watkins’ book tackles the opportunities and challenges that face people moving into new positions and provides some useful guidelines for setting yourself up for success in the critical first three months in a new job. It helps you to identify what type of position you are moving into (startup, turnaround, realignment, sustaining success) and gives strategies for succeeding in each of them.
Particularly useful are chapters five and six that talk about establishing a relationship with your new supervisor and how to set realistic expectations for what you plan to achieve.
Other key strategies for success recommended by Watkins include: securing easy wins; building your team effectively; creating coalitions (particularly important at Mercy Corps?) and how to accelerate learning in the early phases of a new job. A brief summary of the chapters is given below.

1. Promote yourself. Make a mental break from your old job. Prepare to take charge in the new one. Don’t assume that what has made you successful so far will continue to do so.

2. Accelerate your learning. Understand markets, products, technologies, systems, and structures, as well as culture and politics. Be systematic and focused about deciding what you need to learn.
3. Match strategy to situation. There are no universal rules for success in transitions. You need to diagnose the business situation accurately and clarify its challenges and opportunities.
4. Secure early wins. Early victories build your credibility and create momentum. They create virtuous cycles that leverage organizational energy. In the first few weeks, you need to identify opportunities to build personal credibility.
5. Negotiate success. You need to figure out how to build a productive working relationship with your new boss and manage his or her expectations. No other relationship is more important. This means having a series of critical talks about the situation, expectations, style, resources, and your personal development.
6. Achieve alignment. The higher you rise in an organization, the more you have to play the role of organizational architect. This means figuring out whether the organization’s strategy is sound, bringing its structure into alignment with its strategy, and developing the systems and skills bases necessary to realize strategic intent.
7. Build your team. If you are inheriting a team, you will need to evaluate its members. Perhaps you need to restructure it to better meet demands of the situation. Your willingness to make tough early personnel calls and your capacity to select the right people for the right positions are among the most important drivers of success during your transition.
8. Create coaltions. Success depends on your ability to influence people outside your direct line of control. Supportive alliances, both internal and external, will be necessary to achieve your goals.
9. Keep your balance. The risks of losing perspective, getting isolated, and making bad calls are ever present during transitions. The right advice-and-counsel network is an indispensable resource
10. Expedite everyone. Finally, you need to help everyone else – direct reports, bosses, and peers – accelerate their own transitions. The quicker you can get your new direct reports up to speed, the more you will help your own performance.

الاثنين، 14 أبريل 2014

Never Be The Smartest Person In The Room

The first time I read Michael Dell Quote : 

Never Be The Smartest Person In The Room
Try never to be the smartest person in the room. And if you are, I suggest you invite smarter people … or find a different room. In professional circles it’s called networking. In organizations it’s called team building. And in life it’s called family, friends, and community. We are all gifts to each other, and my own growth as a leader has shown me again and again that the most rewarding experiences come from my relationships. ~University of Texas, 2003

Sines 2004 I evalute myself every week and I try to invite smarter people to grow and move faster. I use the below matrix 

I Ask myself  Important Question?
Dose the thing I do will change my life or not?
this qustion change my life for every.I have a amazing wife, friends & challenging Job. I can not ask for more. I only ask Dose the thing I do will change my life or not?

الخميس، 13 فبراير 2014

من الوقار الى الحياة ( Part 1)

كان اصحابي في المدرسة و العمل يقولون ان الكرشه وقار  وانها تدال على الانسان الحكيم و الرزين.
هذه الحكمة الغير سديدة جعلتني اكون دب متحرك . اصبح وزني 105 كيلو جرام. كان كان كل يوم يعتبر فشل لان الوزن الزائد جعلني الا استطيع القيام بالاعمال بكامل طاقتي.

مثال تصور ان وزنك الطبيعي 75 KG و الوزن الحالي هو 105 KG  يعني ثلاثين كليو تحملها معك كل يوم اكيد بتحس بالاجهاد و الكسل و حب النوم.

قررت في تاريخ 1/1/2010 اني انزل وزني الى الطبيعي اول اسبوع حرمت نفسي من الاكل النتيجة نقصت 3 كيلواز الاسبوع الثاني خربت الحمية كسبت  5 كيلوا بعد شهر البرنامج فشل.

الدرس المستفاد:
الوزن المكتسب خلال سنين لا يمكن ان تخسرة في اسابيع 

في تاريخ 1/3/2010 قررت انني استمر في الاكل ولاكن لابد من احراق بعض السعرات الحرارية. قررت ان اشترك في النادي الرياضي .ذهبت الى النادي اشتركت سنة حضرت اول يوم الى المدرب شافي قال انت دبة لازم تنحف  " اكيد دبة ولا ليه جيتك :( "  فتح الدرج و اعطاني ورقه حمية مطبوعة:

فطور :1 كاس حليب و بياض بيض 
الغداء: صدر دجاج مسلوق وعصير خضار 
العشاء: خبز بر و فاكهة

اول حاجة يالمدرب  عندي حساسية من الحليب.
المدرب: قال عادي تتعود.
 نفسي: كيف اتعود.
المدرب: تغمض عيونك وتشرب الحليب.
نفسي: جاني مغص في الركبة بعد كلامة

دريت ان النادي ماعندة سالفة وسحبت عليهم وخسرت اشتراك سنة

الدرس المستفاد:
 لا تتحمس وتشترك في النادي ما تعرفة ولا تدري اذا المدربين محترفين او هواه او سباكين.
