الجمعة، 8 أغسطس 2014

Don't Stay Down Long

When I was four years old my father always say "Save the penny and the dollar will save itself".

ٍSince that time I start reading  reading reading  personal and successful stories about the millionaire business mans who made their money in tough times because I am planning to Join their club soon How soon? in 2025. One of the fighters in my opinion is Michael Bloomberg I like his quote

My first job out of school was on Wall Street and I stayed there for 15 years. It was a terrific ride: Fun times, and lots of praise from my bosses. Everybody loved me - right up until the day they fired me! But I remained optimistic - because happiness for me has always been going out and trying to beat the odds. So the next day after I got fired, literally the next day, I started a new company. ~Tufts University, 2007

In our life we face a lot of setbacks we do not success in work, founding the right spouse or right school. life is an experience Don't Stay Down Long. if you stay down for long time you will feel comfortable. you will think that your place down. Your place Living the life of your dreams.

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